Firefox On Android Uses Up To 3 Times More Battery Than Chrome.

Firefox on Android uses up to 3 times more battery than Chrome.

Although Google Chrome is the browser used by most users on Android, it is not the only option. There are many other browsers, such as Google’s Choice, where popular names such as Firefox or Opera stand out.

In particular, Firefox is often appreciated for being an open source browser, which makes it more secure than Chrome. Like the competition, it allows you to install extensions to make it easier to use, and it’s one of those that lets you play YouTube in the background.

So far so good, right? However, there are always obvious flaws. As for Firefox, it looks like battery consumption for Android phones. Thanks to a user on Reddit, this was revealed, which coincides with several other comments.

Firefox on Android uses up to 3 times more battery than Chrome.

Did You Know That Using Firefox Drains Your Phone'S Battery Faster Than Using Chrome?

As I told you, one of the communities on Reddit opened a small space where one of the users published the experiment. Basically, he tested the phone’s speed and battery consumption while using two browsers: Firefox and Google Chrome. The comparison helped to show that the former tends to use more battery.

He first tested it on his Pixel 4a 5G, where the difference in battery consumption between Firefox and Chrome was negligible (4.22% vs. 4.00%). However, when he did the same test on another Google-branded mobile, things were different.

And, when running the tests with the Google Pixel 8 Pro, it found that Firefox consumed 3 times more battery compared to Google Chrome (1.38% vs. 0.38%). The reason for this worrying fact is not known for sure, but the user’s opinion is focused on the optimization of both browsers: maybe Firefox is not very good for Tensor G3, or on the contrary, Google Chrome is a very good deal.

Now, you should always take this with a grain of salt, considering that the media was a one-man experiment where there were only two cell phones. It is important to do the same test on a wide range of Android phones to get a reliable and official answer.

Anyway, the Firefox battery consumption issue on Android seems to be an issue already reported on Mozilla’s bug page. It just reaffirms the reality of this list, which many definitely don’t like.

And you, did you already know this not so interesting list about Firefox on Android?

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