Los Mejores Mazos Con El Ariete De Batalla Evolucionado De Clash Royale

The best classes with Clash Royale Evolved Battle Ram

Being practically accustomed in Clash Royale, those from Supercell have started a new evolution in this new season, which? Well, no more or no less than the battle ram. Although it is no longer used by most players, this evolution has made it one of the best.

Note that if you can find the evolution pieces necessary to get this card, or if you decide to purchase the Battle Pass, certain ships are required to use the power.

We’ll save you a lot of time here, because we’ve found the best tile for Evolution RAM. They give you a chance to turn off any game mode, you can’t miss it!

The 5 best classes with Battle Ram for Clash Royale evolution

The Best Classes With Evolution Battle Ram Clash Royale

Considering that Double Evolution is taking place in the new meta, we couldn’t include two evolved cards in these decks. If you still can’t use this feature, don’t worry, you can replace the second evolution with a normal card.

Deck 1 – strong rash

Deck 1 Strong Rash

Battle Ram (Evolved).Bomber (Evolved).PEKKALittle Prince.Royal Spirit.Bandit.Arrows. take down.

Rook Card: The Duchess of Dagger.

Average elixir consumption: 3.4 units.

Deck 2 – Amazing Spirit

Deck 2 Amazing Ghost

Battle Ram (Upgrade) Panic (Upgrade) PEKKALittle Prince.Mother Witch.Royal Spirit.Bandit.Arrows.

Rook Card: The Duchess of Dagger.

Average elixir consumption: 3.6 units.

Deck 3 – Wizard support

Deck 3 Support Wizard

This deck may look similar to the one we showed you above, although it doesn’t. The main difference is the card used in the defense towers, in this case it is the Gunship.

Battle Ram (Upgrade) Panic (Upgrade) PEKKALittle Prince.Mother Witch.Royal Spirit.Bandit.Arrows.

Tower Card: Gunboat.

Average elixir consumption: 3.6 units

Floor 4 – Avoiding fire

Deck 4 Fire Suppression

Battle Ram (evolved).Shock (evolved).PEKKAMagic Archer.Royal Ghost.Fireball.Electric Mage.Bandit.

Rook Card: The Duchess of Dagger.

Average elixir consumption: 3.9 units

Deck 5 – Servants from Heaven

Deck 5 Minions From The Sky

Battle Ram (Evolved).Hit (Evolved).PEKKALittle Prince.Royal Ghost.Bandit.Minions.

Rook Card: The Duchess of Dagger.

Average elixir consumption: 3.5 units

As you’ve definitely seen in these decks, most of them use Duchess of Daggers, the most popular tower card in Clash Royale. We recommend not replacing it with a Cannoneer or Archer, as it greatly reduces the capacity of a ship equipped with a Battle Ram.

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