If you have problems with Depseek, then you have arrived on the place indicated. And then we will explain why this artificial intelligence does not work and All solutions You can try to solve the error.
Why doesn’t Deepsek work? This is what is happening
Deepseek is a relatively recent artificial intelligence, so it is normal for some failures to show up. Here are some of the Problems and solutions To the errors that Deepseek could present:
It can be a general fall: check the state of the servers
If Deepseek does not reply or the message appears “Our website is currently under maintenance” Entering its website, it is very likely that it is Server that fall. That is, Deepseek services stopped being available on a general level due to the internal problems of the platform.
This You can control it from your website Dedicated to inform the state of the servers (below we leave you the link). There you have to go down and see the graphic designer Web chat serviceWhich is what the status of the chatbot server reflects.
Link | Department of Depeeek services
And this is very easy to understand: each bar represents one day (the current one is the last) and if it is in color Green means that the servers are active. The yellow color reflects a partial fall and the red that have totally fallen.
In addition, under these graphics there is a section of Past accidents in which it is possible to see the state of the error that is influencing the service: “Unresolved” If they haven’t resolved it yet, “Investigation” If they are looking for the cause, “Identified” If they identified the error, “Update” To give an update or “Solved” When they have already solved it.
Now, if Deepseek doesn’t work and The platform has not reported any problemsYou have another way of knowing if you are not the only hit. To do this, we advise you to consult Downdetector The Deep -Sek section.
This is a website where Users report problems with the service. And it is very easy to interpret, you just have to see if in the last hours (to the right of the graph) there is a Peak relationshipssince this would indicate that many users also have problems.
Link | Downdetector de Deepseek
Now that you have verified that the Depseek servers have fallen, you must definitely ask you … Do? WELL All you can do is wait The platform solves its internal problems so that the servers return. In the meantime, you can try other artificial intelligence alternatives.
Check your connection: the Depseek app and the version only work with the Internet
It deepseek you from a Network error When trying to ask a question, the problem could be your Internet connection. And although this is an open source artificial intelligence that you can download and perform locally, the reality is that Requires a permanent internet connection Both in its web version and in the mobile application.
Therefore, we recommend you Check you have the internet In the device in which Deepseek is used. If it is on the mobile phone, check that Wi -Fi or mobile data are active. If you are on a PC, check that WiFi or cable connection.
It is also recommended to open another website or do a Google search to see if the Internet connection works. Another thing you can do is a Connection speed test (With speedtest or another app), since it can also happen that you have the Internet, but at such a low speed that does not allow you to use Depseek.
Depseek is loading or blocked: solution
If you asked Deepseek and the message was not sent because loading is blockedHe didn’t answer you for the same reason or is slow, so there are some things you can do:
- Verify that it is not a Autumn servers of Deepseek (above we explain how to do it).
- Check if you have no problems with yours Internet connection (In the previous subtitle we explain how to do it).
- Deactivate the VPN If you have one activated on your device.
- If you are using the mobile app, Update to the latest version Deepseek available at Play Store or App Store.
- If you use the version of the Android app, we recommend you update Android WebView system To your latest version (here we explain how to do it).
- In Android, you can also try cleaning the Data and cache application in case it does not work (here a tutorial on how to do it).
“Sorry, this is beyond my current area»: Hay Themes Prohibidos en deepseek
If you were using Depseek without problems and after asking him a question, he answered you with the message “Sorry, it’s beyond my current area”Don’t worry, This is not a mistake nor does it mean that you have stopped working. The explanation of this is that you met one of the restrictions of artificial intelligence.
If you have received this message, it is because your question or prompt is related to a Prohibited theme for AI. Usually they are controversial and sensitive topics for the government of the People’s Republic of China, so Depseek has the education not to respond to them.
In this case, everything you can do is Avoid these problems To continue to converse with the IA.
It is possible that the servers are saturated: try later
If after asking Deepseek, he replied «The server is busy. Please try again later “ means this You can’t answer you because it collapsed. And being a recent and free artificial intelligence, it is receiving extraordinary traffic from all over the world, so it is normal for the servers to saturate.
In this case you can’t do more than Wait and try later. But negligence, most likely in a few weeks, ceases to be a trend on the internet and its traffic will be considerably reduced. In addition, Deepseek is likely to be working on increasing their servers’s skills.
“The operation cannot be completed”: Solución to the error de deepsek
This is a problem very similar to what we explain above when Depseek is blocked or loading. It is usually related to a connection problem With servers. That’s why we recommend following these possible solutions:
- Verify that it is not a Autumn servers De Deepseek.
- Check if you have no problems with yours Internet connection.
- Deactivate the VPN If you have one activated on your device.
- Check that your device has the time and date current and not a backlog or advanced.
Problems with the Depeeek API: solutions
Finally, if you are Deepseek API userYou can also find the solution to the problems of this service. To start, on the web to check the state of the servers (below we leave the connection) there is a graph API service dedicated to reporting the problems of the API.
In addition, Depseek has an official section with the Common beaches errors that you can consult to know the cause of the problem and its possible solutions. Here we leave you the link of that site:
Link | Comunication API errors | Deepseek API State
If you know any other problem or Deepseek error, we would thank you to let us know in the comments to help you find a solution.