¿Te Salen Canciones En Gris En Spotify? Estas Son Todas Las Causas Y Soluciones

Why are there colorful songs on Spotify?

Spotify is a great app to listen to your favorite artists, but it doesn’t always work 100% and like any program, it sometimes has faults. For most people, one of the most annoying lists are the songs that are grayed out and, therefore, impossible to play.

Gray songs on Spotify: why they appear that way and how to fix them

If you’re in this article, it’s because you’ve experienced one or more of these. Want to know why this is and why they don’t reproduce? We’ll explain the reasons why songs are greyed out on Spotify and the best ways to fix it (when it can be fixed).

Why Are There Colorful Songs On Spotify?

Internet connection problems: If you are dependent on WiFi or your data to play songs, at the slightest error, Spotify may show you songs in gray indicating that they are unplayable. In this case, it is enough to check the status of your connection and switch to a working network License expiration: Spotify grants artists temporary licenses and register tags on the platform for each song. If this license expires without license renewal, then the songs will not be available on the platform. When this happens, there’s little you can do other than wait for it to come back: not all songs are available to the whole world. Some are limited by region. If you check your internet connection and everything is fine, try to connect with VPN for Android and change countries; If you can listen to the song now, you’ve already confirmed that the zone restriction is an incompatible music format: if the songwriter uploads the file in a way that’s incompatible with what Spotify supports, the music part can’t. Playing from the app. This is another reason why the song is grayed out on Spotify, for which you just have to wait until the format is fixed.

In any case, it is highly recommended that you download Spotify songs to your device, this way you will avoid most of the reasons why you cannot listen to the songs because they are greyed out.

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