Zoo: Una App Que Genera Imágenes Basándose En 6 Ias Diferentes

This app generates images with 6 different AIs in one click.

AI image generators are roaming the internet now more than ever. They have even brought dead projects back to life like Limewire. In this framework, due to their flexibility and flexibility when working, there are options that may be better than others. Zoo is one of those image generators that in turn gives you tons of options for anything.

He is the protagonist of this article. As you can imagine, it is an AI image generator, only, in its own way, it is unique. because of? Well, because the service uses 6 different AI models to bring you different images of the same query. the best? It is free with decent response speed.

How to generate images from Zoo

Using 6 AI models to generate images of wildlife, the results are not only different, but it works in different ways until the user finds what they are looking for. These models are well known in this world: Stable Diffusion 2.1 and 1.5, Kadinsky 2 and 2.2, Deepfloyd and Material Diffusion.

When you write the query for your image, the application starts working, generating images for each of these models. You get three images for each AI model, each with its own recognizable style, which shortens the time it takes to find the design you want.

You just need to follow the following steps to use Zoo.

Enter the official zoo website. Write your question in the text box, a description of the image you want to create in English. Select the AI ​​models you want to work in the boxes. Press Go. Depending on how busy the AI ​​servers are, the process may take a few seconds or a few minutes. You will have three output images for each AI model. Each image comes with two options: get a link to the said image or download it to your PC. Ready!

The images you get are usually 1024 x 1024 in size. Zoo also comes with a hidden-consistency-model option, which seems to focus on delivering high-quality images in its results. To install the app on your computer, you can visit the Animal Feed site on GitHub.

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