Mejores Mazos Para El Desafío De La Caldera De Hechizos De Clash Royale

The best deck for the Clash Royale Spell Cauldron challenge

In the May 2024 season of Clash Royale, the arrival of the Vid spell completely changed the goal as spells dominated all game modes. Faced with this situation, Supercell had no choice but to launch a challenge to suit the situation.

The Spell Cauldron challenge, presented for the first time in the history of this popular mobile video game, has surprised all the players. By placing Gasen in the center of the arena, users must access this structure to access a variety of spells that give the cards various temporary upgrades.

The best classes for the Clash Royale Spell Cauldron challenge

Deck For Clash Royale Spell Cauldron

Considering the mechanics of this game mode, here we have created 5 best ships to beat the challenge of Spell Kawron. Remember that in this event you can use any card without any restrictions, so we recommend that you include the evolution that we show you in the decks that we have created.

Deck 1 – Spell Mountain

Deck 1 Spell Mount

Firethrower. Skeletons. Trunks

Tower Card: Duchess of Daggers.

Average elixir consumption: 2.8 units.

Deck 2 – Keldoron Guard

Deck 2 Cauldron Protection

Skeletons (evolved).Firethrower (evolved).

Tower Card: Duchess of Daggers.

Average elixir consumption: 3.3 units.

Deck 3 – catch the spells

Picking Up The Deck 3 Spells

Firefighter (evolved).’Elite Barraians.The Trunk.Bomber.Royal Ghost.Wizard.Bombastic Balloon.Flying Machine.

Tower Card: Duchess of Daggers.

Average elixir consumption: 3.8 units.

Deck 4 – high attack

Deck 4 High Attack

Firefighter (Evolved).Shock (Evolved) Mini PEKKAIInfernal Dragon.Infernal Tower.Goblin Gang.Skeleton Barrel.Mega Knight.

Tower Card: Duchess of Daggers.

Average elixir consumption: 3.9 units.

Deck 5 – evolutionary diversity

Deck 5 Evolution Variant

Knight (Evolved).Battlefield.Archer Queen.Elite barrianians

Tower Card: Duchess of Daggers.

Average elixir consumption: 3.5 units.

As you’ve surely noticed, we’ve left out the amazing Evolved Wizard, why? Because currently his attack stats are much lower than his evolutions in Clash Royale.

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