Cómo Evitar Que Me Vean En Línea En Tiktok

How to stop being seen online on TikTok

Although TikTok is a modern social network, there are various functions that work by default and can compromise users’ privacy. The most obvious example of this is a device that lets other people know when someone is using the app.

Users who have added people as friends on Tik Tok can know when one of them is using the platform. This notification automatically appears at the top of the screen, showing who’s connected to watch videos, send messages, or upload content.

If you don’t want your friends to know when you use TikTok, don’t worry! The platform itself has a feature that prevents your friends from seeing you online, so you don’t need to use TikTok without downloading the app or logging out.

It is possible to block your friends from seeing you online on TikTok.

So that no one knows when you log in to TikTok, you need to disable the function called “Activity status”. You can deactivate it in seconds by following each step below:

Access The Tiktok Account Options

The first thing you need to do is open the TikTok app on your mobile device.After entering the social network, you need to click on the “Profile” tab located in the lower right corner of the screen, three horizontal lines (on the upper right of the screen) a menu with various options will appear, click on “Settings and Privacy”.

Disable Activity Status On Tiktok

Enter the section called “Privacy” so you have to disable the “Activity status” function.When the button for this function is grayed out, Tik Tok will not notify your contacts when you are on the social network.

If this function does not appear, you may need to update the app from the Play Store or App Store. Likewise, we would like to remind you that this device can be turned on and off indefinitely (if you want your friends to know when you use TikTok).

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