How To Install A Jacket On Stremio: A Step-By-Step Guide

How to install a jacket on Stremio: a step-by-step guide

If you want to have a jacket icon on Stremio, we are happy to tell you that it is a very simple process and it works the same way when you install other add-ons like Torrerio and Pirate Bay. However, the functions of this plugin are a little different and we will explain why later.

How to install jacket icon on Stremio?

We use the Netlify repository to install this addon, but if you want to keep up to date with everything the developers of this addon have to offer, you can always visit their GitHub page. Now, to install Jacket on your Stremio devices, all you have to do is follow the steps below.

Jacket 1

Jacket 2

This will open Stremio, press Install again.

Jacket 3

And just like that, you will already have the Jacket plugin in Stremio. However, when you search for the content of this plugin, you may not find anything, and this is because Jacket is not like Torrentio, for example. This plugin works with a server that you have programmed yourself.

What exactly is Jacket doing on Stremio?

What Is A Jacket?

For example, plugins like Peerflix and Orion already have a server, on which they search for content from various websites, often torrent indexes. Jacket is not connected to any server and the reason for this is simple: you allow the user to access your own server.

This is to better control the data hosted by the server and to better find what interests you. Also, for security reasons, it’s usually better to manage your own server. There are free options to do this, such as Oracle Cloud and paid versions such as Elfhosted. If you have no idea how to do this, the developers at Jacket have a beginner’s guide here.

Setting up a jacket on Stremio can be a somewhat complicated process if you’re not used to the topic, but if you feel up to the challenge, go ahead. Now, if you want, you can always use the best Stremio addons in Spanish, which doesn’t require this process to work, but that’s up to you. That’s all for now, goodbye, let us know in the comments if you have any questions.

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