Como Buscar Videos De Youtube Antiguos Que Viste Hace Anos

How to find a video I watched years ago on YouTube

YouTube is an encyclopedia of videos. Most of the videos in human history are on that platform. Well, maybe we’re exaggerating, but it’s true, you can find a lot of videos on YouTube, including the ones you remember watching at one time.

Now, what if you remember watching a video on YouTube years ago and can’t find it now? If this is the case, checking your YouTube history is not an option because if you have watched the video a long time ago, it will take hours of searching every day to find it. Plus, chances are you won’t remember the day you saw it. So what can you do? Try the following methods.

3 ways to find YouTube videos you watched long ago

Fortunately, YouTube offers more tools than history to find videos you’ve ever watched. Of course, we’ve already made it clear that the methods you’ll see below (except the last one) require you to log in to YouTube with the account you’re using at the time to watch the videos. With that said, let’s get started!

Use a history search engine

Youtube History Finder

Go to the Google My Activity – YouTube page and tap the magnifying glass to search for the video by name or words you remember. You can tap the calendar icon to check the results for the day you watched the video (Google will only show videos you watched before the date you selected).

Use YouTube’s featured feature

Use The Youtube View Filter To Find Videos

Whenever you do a search on YouTube, a series of options appear at the top that allow you to easily filter the results. My advice is to search for a video you’ve seen on YouTube by just entering the keywords you remember from the title or theme. Then tap the “viewed” filter so that the platform only shows you videos viewed by those words. This trick. Finding videos that aren’t very popular is silly..

Search YouTube by day

Use Before And After Swimmers On Youtube To Find Videos

Use the “before:” and “after:” operators on YouTube for a more precise search. For example, if you know you watched the video after 2020, you should search like this:

The keywords of the video I want to find after 2019-12-31

And if the video is very old, say 10 years ago, the search will be like this.

Video keywords I want to find before: 2014-12-31

The good thing about this method is that it doesn’t require you to use the same YouTube account that you watched the video on, and in my experience, it’s more effective than checking through the YouTube history calendar because it doesn’t skip any videos and gives you more results in the search. It is the best method if you want to get a video with more views.but it doesn’t work as well with videos that don’t have a few views.

Remember that you can check the history of videos viewed on Facebook and TikTok before you go.

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