Cómo Cambiar El Reloj De La Pantalla Interactiva En Motorola

How to change the interactive screen watch in Motorola

It accidentally You changed the type of watch shown on the interactive screen From your motorcycle Motorola, you will surely have encountered the enormous difficulty involved in accessing the settings that allow this widget.

As a user of a Motorola mobile phone, I must say that I crossed this situation, because during the night I found it I have no longer seen the classic digital clock On this screen, something that was undoubtedly very strange to me.

Without even knowing what had happened, I deduced it at night, as I slept, I changed the interactive screen settings and changed the type of clock which is shown inside.

Fortunately, and after several hours of research, I was able to find the section from which You can change the Motorola interactive screen watch. If the same happened to you, I advise you to continue reading the article, I will explain step by step how to do it.

So you can change the interactive clock of Motorola

Before showing you the tutorial, I have to clarify it I do not mean the watch that appears on the main screen of the mobile phone, because that widget can change easily by pressing for a few seconds on that screen.

The clock in question is the one shown in the interactive screen, which is activated when receiving a notification or increases the motolala phone from the table. To change the design of that type of clock, you will have to follow the passages that I show you below:

  • Enter the mobile configuration.
  • Access the Call section “Screen”.
  • Enter the option you say “Interactive screen.”

See Motorola Interactive Screen Watch OptionsSee Motorola Interactive Screen Watch Options

  • Click “Configuration”.
  • Press “Clock”.

Change The Interactive Screen Phone Motorbike PhoneChange The Interactive Screen Phone Motorbike Phone

  • Select the watch you want to appear on that screen (In this case I chose the first of the three).
  • And finally, click “List” To save the changes.

It is worth noting that This watch can sometimes disappear as if by magicEspecially if the Android Mobile Motorola is updated. Keep this tutorial as preferred in your browser, you will never know when you may need it anymore.

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