Telegram I just got a very important update. And the popular messaging platform just launched its Mini App Store. Exactly, now Telegram It has a built-in application store where you can find many interesting apps. Below, we tell you everything you need to know.
How the Telegram App Store Works
Telegram App Store It’s a new tab called «Applications» found in the platform search tool. Therefore, the only thing you need to do Find Telegram Mini App Store is to follow these steps:
- Open Telegram and go to the section The chats.
- Now, click on search bar.
- Finally, press Applications it’s ready.
Now that you know where is the Telegram Mini App storeyou are probably wondering what kind of applications Telegram has. Well, below we will solve this doubt for you.
What are Telegram Mini Apps
Apps found in the Telegram Mini Apps store They are web applications designed in JavaScript which run directly in the platform’s web3 browser. These are the evolution of the famous Telegram bots.
The mini apps They are like bots, but with a mobile application interface.. They can access authorization permissions, APIs and more than 20 payment methods like Google Pay or Apple Pay.
How to Download Telegram Mini Apps
As we mentioned before, mini applications run it directly in the Telegram browser. This means that You don’t need to download them to use them.. It is not possible to download any Telegram Mini App.
And if you are wondering how to use Telegram Mini Apps, all you have to do is choose the application and Press the button “Open the app”. This way, the application will run inside Telegram via your browser.
The best apps in the Telegram Mini Apps store
Currently, There are some interesting apps in the store of Telegram Mini Apps. And that’s because it’s a very recent feature of the platform. It’s likely that more useful and attractive applications will appear in the coming months.
Currently, Most of the apps are games «pay to win» or with payment functions. And that’s it Most of the applications focus on the cryptocurrency and blockchain market.. Below we leave you some interesting ones to try:
But don’t let that discourage you. There’s no doubt that more attractive Telegram Mini Apps, not tied to cryptocurrencies and micropayments, will be launched soon.
And you… What do you think about this new Telegram feature?