Clash Royale Regala Cientos De Gemas Cómo Reclamarlas

Clash Royale Gives Hundreds of Gems: How Do I Claim It?

Complaints about Clash Royale’s microtransaction system are always controversial, because even though Supercell’s most popular game abuses this system to some extent, it’s completely viable to unlock all the cards without spending a single penny.

This seems to be very common among game developers as they give out gems (the main currency that allows you to get cards and emotes) to all players from time to time. We’ve been able to confirm that they’re becoming more flexible in this regard with the launch of an event called Daily Gym Blast, where gems are temporarily given away.

If you want to get Clash Royale gems and don’t know how to claim them, then you are in the right place. In this article we will explain step by step how to get all these gems, are you thinking of missing it?

Clash Royale is giving away gems, find out how to claim them

You need to update the game to the latest version before you can follow the steps we show you in the tutorial. Likewise, you have to enter Clash Royale daily as these gems are only available for a limited time.

Clash Royale Gives How To Get Gems

The first thing you need to do is open the video game from your mobile (you can also do the tutorial if you play Clash Royale on PC).In the main screen of the game, you have to click on the game shaped icon on the left side. To get gems, you have to click on “Free”. This way you will get the free gems that are provided every day.

As far as we can confirm, Clash Royale offers a total of 925 gems. If you don’t log in every day, you won’t be able to find them, so you’ll have to open the game every day to claim them.

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