5 Series Parecidas A Mi Reno De Peluche

5 must watch series similar to my stuffed deer

Recently, a series called My Stuffed Reindeer arrived on Netflix, which tells the story of Donnie, a failed comedian who meets Martha, a woman who quickly annoys him, until she turns him off. If you’ve already seen this great little movie and are looking for something similar to that style, here are 5 deer series you should check out.

You, la historia de Penn Badgley

If you’ve seen the series that tells the story of Penn Bagley, you probably immediately associate it with My Stuffed Reindeer, because both plots revolve around bullying. This hot young man tells you how he will go to extremes to get into the lives of the women he loves.

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The Herd, a series about obsession and bad decisions

Continuing with the theme of suspense and thriller, we present Enjambre, a series that tells the story of the life of Dre, who is part of the fandom called “El Enjambre”. However, Dre’s obsession goes beyond simple taste and as a result she constantly finds herself trapped in dark and unexpected places. You can watch this series on Prime Video.

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I can spoil you with a story based on true events

I Could Destroy You is a series that shares many similarities with My Stuffed Reindeer, for starters they are both dramatic comedies set in London. Both talk about rape and the trauma these events represent for the victim, and both are based on true events. The main character in this story is Arabella, a young woman who was sexually assaulted and has little memory for various reasons. You can watch this series on Max.

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The End of the F***ing World, a must-see dark comedy

If dark humor and dramatic comedy are what you love most about My Stuffed Reindeer, The End of the F World is a series you can’t miss. This series from Clerkenwell Films, the same producers of My Stuffed Reindeer, revolves around the journey of James, a young psychologist, and Alisa, a rebellious girl. This series is available on Netflix.

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Fleabag, a slightly lighter series

My Stuffed Reindeer is almost a multi-layered series and although it is not a complex series, there is a lot of information to process, strong scenes and emotional endings. If you want to change the humor for something lighter, but still retain that irreverent, funny drama and comedy, we recommend Fleabag, the story of a woman who throws herself into London life in search of personal healing. This series is available on Prime Video.

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That’s all for now with our suggestions, of course there are many more series we’d like to include here, but we think this is a good start. If you’re looking for apps that organize your series and make recommendations based on your needs, we recommend reading our article on the best apps for recording movies and TV shows. Let us know in the comments section if you have any questions or suggestions.

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