Quien Puede Ver Los Me Gusta De Los Estados De Whatsapp

Who can see the likes I give to WhatsApp statuses?

Who Can See Whatsapp Status Likes

WhatsApp hasn’t stopped releasing new features in the last year, which is good news for everyone, but also a responsibility. And that’s it, Each new thing added to the app changes the way it works slightly and requires a little learning process. The new WhatsApp statuses, for example, allow likes, mentions and even reposts, something that years ago no one knew could be done on WhatsApp.

Ignorance of this new feature has led many to think that WhatsApp “likes” work the same way as those of other social networks, which is very far from reality. We will explain it to you soon how they work and who can see the likes What do you give to WhatsApp statuses?

Likes on WhatsApp are private: only you and the person who posted the status can see them

Likes On Whatsapp Statuses Are Private

In WhatsApp, you can only like statuses by pressing the gray heart button (🩶) that appears in the bottom right corner. Once you give a like, only one person will find out about it: the one who uploaded the status. Also like status views, the likes counter is hidden from everyone and can only tell you how many likes a status has received from the person who posted it.

How do you know who liked my WhatsApp status? Very simple; just open the status, press the views button (👁) and The list of viewers will show who liked and who didn’t.. People who liked it appear with the green heart 💚 emoji, while those who didn’t like it appear with nothing.

How To See Who Likes My Whatsapp StatusesHow To See Who Likes My Whatsapp Statuses

¡Ah! And you should know WhatsApp notifies the person you have “liked” with a notification to your state. The notification will say: «[Tu nombre de contacto] he liked your state«.

How to activate Likes on WhatsApp

The “Like” feature for WhatsApp statuses first arrived in beta of the Android application. However, it has already started to catch up latest stable versions of WhatsApp for Android and iOS worldwideso if you want to activate Likes on your WhatsApp, update the app immediately:

After updating the app, the “Like” option appears in WhatsApp statuses it should activate automatically. To find out if it’s already enabled, open any status and the heart icon should appear in the bottom right corner.

Now, keep this in mind WhatsApp is rolling out its new features in batchesdepending on your region and device model. This means they reach some people before others, so you need to be patient and wait for WhatsApp to turn on Likes on your phone if they still don’t appear after the update.

By the way, with the latest versions Filters and wallpapers for statuses and video calls have been added to WhatsApp. Take advantage and try them too.

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