Top 5 Ai Font Generators

Top 5 AI font generators

Artificial intelligence has given birth to countless tools that have made many people’s lives easier. What many do not know is that in addition to creating images with AI, they can also create fonts. Therefore, in this article we will show you the five best AI font generators.

Best of all, each of the tools we show you is free and easy to use, so we have no doubt that any of these options will appeal to you. Without further ado, the following are the five best A font generators.

Calligrapher, to create text with AI in series and handwritten letters

Calligrapher - Ai Font Generators

The first AI font generator on this list is Calligrapher. It is a tool that generates text that is written by hand. Just adjust the parameters, choose one of the ten styles, write and generate the text.

Additionally, you can download the text you’ve created as an SVG file and use it in your design. This is a good option if you want to create a personal signature in digital format.

arrest | Calligrapher

Brandmark, one of the best fonts with AI

Brand NameAnother good option is branding. This AI font generator will show you different combinations of fonts available on Google. Also, you can do it randomly.

This option is suitable for people who design for social networks or are responsible for the design of web portals, because it gives a preview of what the fonts will look like.

arrest | Brand name

SpinBot, an option characterized by how easy it is to use

SpinbotThe third AI font generator on this list is Spinbot. If you like simplicity, you will love this tool. All you have to do is write some text to it and it will show you in a large number of different fonts.

The fonts it generates are divided into two categories: one is virtual and the other is used on the web and in images. Then you just have to copy and paste it where you want to add it.

arrest | Spinbot

Quicktools, an alternative that provides you with various resources

QuicktoolsThe list is coming to an end and now we need to talk to you about Quicktools. This tool is owned by Picsart and its functionality isn’t much different from the options we’ve provided, but it’s a good option to consider because of the large number of fonts it generates.

To use it, you just have to enter a certain text and it will show you the same in several fonts divided into nine different styles. You can copy this text to add it anywhere you want.

arrest | Quicktools

PageGPT, the best AI font generator

PgptLast but not least, we have PageGPT. This is probably the most interesting of the options we’ve provided, as it generates resources based on the parameters you specify.

This tool is suitable for those who want to create a company image. You only need to indicate the name of the company, the sentiment you want to convey, the style of the company’s web portal, a paragraph where you can add information about it as a sample, and source it.

arrest | Pgpt

And what do you think? Which of all AI font generators is your favorite? Do you know of any others we haven’t mentioned? Leave your comment and share if the article is useful for you.

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