Tik Tok Stream: What Is It, Why And How To Activate It?

Tik Tok Stream: What is it, why and how to activate it?

It’s clear that TikTok wants to be more than just a video platform, as new features have been added in recent years that have turned it into a social network from start to finish. One of the most obvious examples is the messaging tool that allows you to create groups, share videos and start conversations with other TikTok users.

Along with the arrival of this function comes a feature that few are aware of but that has been around for a while in the TikTok app for Android and iOS, which one? Well, it’s no more or less than a TikTok stream.

There are many users on the platform who boast that their length is much higher than others, even in the comments, messages like “I don’t want to lose my TikTok stream” are often noticed. Tag other users so the length isn’t obscured.

If you happen to see these comments or videos and don’t know what they’re referring to, we’re here to help! In this article we will explain what Tik current is, what it is and how to enable it.

What is TikTok?

What Is Tik Tok Line?

Unlike other terms in this video platform, TikTok Stream refers to the conversations that users have through the app’s internal messaging system.

When two people send at least 1 message per day for 3 days, TikTok will add a flame icon to the top right of the chat. This icon will last indefinitely as long as the length is not broken.

Likewise, both users must be actively involved in sending messages, because if only one sends a message, the length will disappear and return to zero.

Why Tik Tok Run?

There is no point in getting more time on Tik Tok. Once the badge is displayed on the private chat, no rewards or badges are available as it only serves to encourage users to send messages without using another messaging app.

How to enable ticker stream?


Reply to @chelagutierrez43 I hope you can help me HAHAHAHA #racha #tiktok #videos #rachadetiktok #viral #tiktok #chat #fotos #parati #respuesta #mensajes #cancion

♬ Sonido Original – JENNIFER

You don’t need to download any third-party app or activate any specific functionality. To activate it, you must follow the following tips:

You should start a private conversation with the contact and both of you should send at least 1 message per day.

If you follow these tips to the letter, you can activate the popular Tik Tok stream. Note that it will automatically activate after 3 days.

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