Los Mejores Mazos Para El Desafío De La Chispa Del Amor De Clash Royale

The best classes for the Clash Royale Spark of Love Challenge

Did you think the Clash Royale February Season Challenges are over? Well, surprisingly, Supercell has decided to “put on the table” one of the most hated events by gamers, which? He placed dear Chispitas among the sands.

With a change of name, the challenge in question comes with the title Chispa del Amore, the objective of which is to capture Chispitas to eliminate the opponent’s cards. If you want to win the prizes at this event, check out our top 5 decks here.

The 5 best decks to beat the Clash Royale Spark of Love challenge

Love Clash Royale Challenge

Considering that it is now possible to use two evolutions at once, not using the power of this innovation is practically sacrosanct. Likewise, don’t despair if you don’t reach the King’s Tower level necessary to use two upgraded cards! You can use these tiles in the same way because they are very effective.

Deck 1 – Love Double Evo

Deck 1 Love Double Evo

Firewall (improved). Bats (Evolution). Inner dragon. Mega Knight. Skeleton barrel. MINI PEKKA GOBLINS AT WAR. take down.

Deck 2 – Millimeter Attack

Attack Of The Deck 2 Millimeters

Firewall (improved). A huge skeleton. Inner dragon. A great miner. Mini PEKKA Hog Rider. Skeleton army. Arrows.

Mazo 3 – Catching Sparky

Mazo 3 Sparkin' In The Making

Skeleton army. Mini PEKKA electric magician. Arrows. Inner wall. The log. Poison. Inner dragon.

Floor 4 – Release Chispitas

Release Of Deck 4 Chispitas

Firewall (improved). take down. Witch. Bats. Skeleton army. Mega Knight. Skeleton dragons. Mini PEKKA

Floor 5 – healing power

Deck 5 Healing Power

Skeletons (evolution). A warrior healer. Clone. Tesla tower. Fire thrower. A huge skeleton. A giant goblin. A monk.

If there is nothing more, we want to remind you that the two evolutions of the season are now available: the improved Wall Breaker and the improved Bomber, which are the strongest cards in Clash at the February goal of this year. Royal.

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