Piratearon La Tv De Corea Del Norte Y La Esta Subiendo A Youtube

Someone Hacked North Korean TV and Is Uploading It to YouTube

North Korea remains a mystery. And that is The controversial country has blocked the vast majority of social networks and communication platforms used around the world, such as Facebook and WhatsApp. Therefore, it is difficult to know what trends are in North Korea and what kind of content its citizens consume.

But luckily a Canadian engineer has come along to shed light on this mystery. Yes, someone has succeeded. hack North Korean state television And most importantly, he’s uploading the intercepted streams to YouTube so anyone can watch them for free.

Someone Hacked North Korean TV and Is Uploading It to YouTube

Peter Fairlie, a Canadian engineer passionate about the world of satellite televisionwas on his patio trying to catch some sports channel broadcast with his satellite dish. However, the Canadian made an even more interesting discovery.

And without looking for it, the engineer managed to hack North Korea’s television signal state. To be more precise, the satellite dish hobbyist intercepted the signal from the Pyongyang TV Channelthe capital of North Korea.

And to share his discovery with the world, is uploading North Korean TV content to YouTube. Fable New North Korean TV broadcasts are uploaded almost every day. Below we leave you the link to their YouTube channel so you can see them:

Connection | Peter Fairlie Channel (North Korean TV on YouTube)

What is broadcast on North Korean television? Basically, all content is Kim Jong-un state propaganda. In fact, much of the programming is based on the glorification of the North Korean supreme leader and the country’s military efforts. After spending a whole day watching the broadcast, Peter Fairlie himself stated that:

“Every time Kim comes, everyone goes crazy… that’s the fun part”

And you… Will you check out North Korean TV available on YouTube?

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