Netflix Volvera A Subir De Precio En 2024 Esto Es Lo Que Sabemos

Netflix Will Rise in Price Again in 2024: Here’s What We Know

2023 was a rough year for Netflix. The popular streaming platform was one of the most canceled services at the start of the year, losing nearly a million subscribers in the first quarter in Spain.

And despite the crisis, Netflix continues to implement dangerous measures such as new price increases, banning joint accounts and removing the basic plan. However, the service somehow managed to close the year with good numbers.

That’s right, Netflix published its financial results for the last quarter of 2023, in which they showed that they were able to add 13 million subscribers and beat the expected billing estimates. However, there is something we don’t like about this report.

Netflix presents its financial statements for the last quarter of 2023 and shows that another price increase is coming

Netflix Subscription Prices Are On The Rise In France.

In the latest report published by Netflix on its financial statements for the last quarter of last year (Q4 – 2023), the streaming platform hinted at its intention to increase the subscription price again. And in the “Monetization” section, the following is listed:

“As we invest in and improve Netflix, we ask our members to pay a little more to reflect those improvements.”

In Spanish, this sentence translates to “As we invest in and improve Netflix, we ask our subscribers to pay a little more to reflect those improvements.” This makes it clear that the streaming service is considering a new increase in subscription prices this year.

How much will the increase be? Well, I don’t know. Currently, there is no clear information on what time of the year the platform will announce this increase. However, it’s worth noting that Netflix will permanently phase out its Basic plan in the second quarter of 2024, so this could be a good date to restructure the plans’ prices.

And you… thought Netflix won’t raise subscription prices this year?

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