Telegram fights misinformation, scams and phishing with its latest feature. And the messaging platform already has a user verification system with which you can have a verified brand like Twitter (X).
Do you want to know how to verify your Telegram? Well, below we will tell you all the steps to follow verify a user, channel, group, or bot from Telegram.
Requirements to verify an account on Telegram
Before we start, you should know this currently Telegram does not verify personal accounts. The verification system of the messaging platform guarantees only the verified a public channels, public groups Yes bot.
Furthermore, you must also comply with the Telegram verification requirements which we report below:
- Have at least 2 verified accounts on one of these social networks: TikTok, Twitter (X), Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat or VK. In the profile of these networks you must have a link to the channel, group or bot you want to verify.
- If you don’t have verified accounts on these networks, you need to have one. Wikipedia page indisputable which satisfies the notable criteria and have a link to the channel, group, or bot you want to verify.
- To prove your notoriety, you have to have it 2 links to press articles in which you, your organization or your Telegram group, channel or bot are mentioned. These articles must be digital, by a well-known author, long-standing, and in English.
How to verify an account on Telegram
Well, if you meet these requirements, you must use the @VerifyBot bot to request verification on Telegram by following these steps:
- In Telegramuse the search engine to find the file bot @VerifyBot.
- Continues Start to start a chat with the bot.
- Now point to the name of the account, group, channel or bot that you want to verify (remember that it must be public and have content). To do this, you need to send a message with your username (for example, @Androidphoria) or your invitation link.
- The next thing to do is click on Continue now to continue with the process. Before proceeding, we warn you that after carrying out this operation you will not be able to change the name or invitation link of the group, channel or bot you want to verify.
- The next step is choose 2 social networks which the bot tells you about and where you must have a verified account as mentioned above. To choose it, just write the name of the networks and send it to the chat.
- Finally, the bot will start requesting the file links to your verified network accounts and press articles that demonstrate your identity and notoriety. Once you have provided all the required links, the process of reviewing your request will begin. Here you just have to do it wait for your request to be approved.
If you have questions regarding the account verification system, we invite you to consult the section dedicated to this process in Telegram official blog.