Telegram He did it again. Just a few weeks ago the messaging platform launched a function that simplifies the sharing of video in the application. Now they have released another new feature that realizes the dream of many users: power See movies and series of telegrams on TV Without too much effort.
Exactly, the function Chromecast has officially arrived on telegram And now you can transmit any video (films or standard episodes) available on the platform on a TV or TV box compatible with this function. Subsequently, we explain how to do it.
How to transmit a telegram video to TV with Chromect
Chromecast function for Wireless video transmission is coming to the Telegram version for Android with the update 11.8.2. At the moment, it is not available in the Telegram app for iPhone (there is still no support for Airplay, Chromecast equivalent in iOS).
With Chromecast you can Send a video of telegrams to TV To see it. And above all, you can deactivate the mobile screen and the playback of the Telegram video will continue without interruption.
Yes really, TV must have integrated Chromecast To use this telegram function. But abandonment Practically all smart TVs are compatible With this transmission protocol.
Well, then let’s explain How to transmit a telegram video to TV With Chromecast Paso in Paso:
- Open the app of Telegram.
- Reproduces the video What do you want to send to TV.
- Now, press in Settings (Detal wheel icon).
- Choose the option Chromecast.
- Finally, Select the TV To which you want to transmit the video and voila.
And you… Will you use this Telegram function to watch the movies and series available on the platform on TV?