Telegram has just released a function that makes it much easier Share video On the platform. For anyone who is a secret that in recent years Telegram has become more than a messaging application.
Many users use Telegram to watch or download movies and episodes of their favorite series. Well, now It is much easier to pass videos To your friends, since you won’t have to download them to send them.
And it is that Telegram launched the Video linkA new function with which you can share a video simply by sending the link. Subsequently, we explain step by step how to do it.
How to share a telegram video with a link
The latest Telegram update (version 11.8) has changed the way the videos are shared on the platform. And now The videos have a link separate. With this you can send the video to other Telegram chats without having to download it.
You can also share the video outside the platform by sending the link via WhatsApp or social networks. And not just that too You can share the video in the exact minute reproduction you choose.
Now, it is important to mention it Only the videos of canals and groups Telegram has a link to share it. The videos sent in private chats have no link … How is the connection of a video copy of the telegram? Well, following these steps:
- Open the video of telegram you want to share.
- Now press in Share button (The arrow that indicates on the right).
- When you do it, the Video link. If you want me to start in the exact minute in which you agree, activate the option “Start”.
- Finally, press Copy To take the video link and now you can send it and share it with whoever you want.
And you… Did you know that videos could be shared on Telegram through links?