How To Remove High Volume Warning On Android

How to remove high volume warning on Android

If you want to know how to get rid of the high volume warning on Android, this article will make you happy because here we will show you two simple methods. However, there are a couple of details you need to keep in mind to be able to use any of them.

First thing is that these methods work only on rooted mobiles and secondly they may not work on Android 14 phones. This is because this version of Android works differently as it warns you when you have high volume and automatically lowers the volume.

Now that you know this, we can explain the two methods to remove the high volume warning on Android:

Use Termux app to remove large amount of ads on Android


The first option is an application called Termux that you can download and install from Google Play. Below we provide you the download link and as soon as you install it, you have to do the following.

Open the app, type “su” and press enter, you will immediately get a superuser message and all you have to do is grant permission. Finally, type “setprop audio.safemedia.bypass true” and press enter.

After completing these steps, you can listen to music without the loudness warning.


Use the Solid Explorer file manager file management application

Solid Explorer File Manager File Management Application.If the first method we have explained does not work for you, you can try using the Solid Explorer File Manager application. You can download it on Google Play. Once you install it, follow the steps below.

Open the app, press the hamburger menu at the top and left, and select the root option. (This option is only visible if your phone is rooted). When you find it, select it and open it and change the value of audio.safemedia.bypass to “true”.

Solid Explorer File Manager

That’s all you need to do to get rid of massive amounts of ads on Android using this app. And what do you think? What do you think of these methods? Do you know of any other tricks we haven’t mentioned? Leave us your feedback and share this article if it helped you.

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