Cómo Buscar La Fuente Original De Un Vídeo

How to find the original source of a video

Many times, when browsing the Internet, we find a large number of videos that have been re-uploaded on different platforms by other people who are not the original authors of the video. This can sometimes be dangerous because it can lead to misinformation with fake news. Hence the importance of knowing How to find the original source of a video.

There is no one way to do it; there are several tools and techniques that the Internet provides you to do your research work. It’s about finding the one that’s right for you. within your parameters and your ability to navigate between different web pages.

Manual search by keywords

This Is Google'S Payback To Apple For Its Iphone Search Engine

We will start with the option that may be the most laborious, but don’t worry, we will improve and give you better options throughout the article. Manual search with the help of Google is definitely an option available to you, the only problem is that you will have to navigate through large amounts of contentwithout any guarantee that you will find the original video.

The best thing you can do to make this search method not a waste of time is to search for keywords taken from the video. For example, if you hear the name of a brand in a video, a person or a place, combine it with the general topic of the video in your search and you will be more likely to Find the original source of the video you are looking for.

Reverse Search Using Video Images

Google Image Search Results

Now let’s take a step forward with the help of screenshots. If you have the video or a segment of the video and you are interested in viewing the entire content or the source of this content, you can take a screenshot. Once you have that image, all you have to do is enter it into Google image search and you’re done.

This is called as reverse lookup and Google Images is a great option to do this, but of course it is not the only option. Bing, Prepostseo and IDQB also have great options that you can use to find the original source of the video you found.

Advanced Video Search

Google Advanced Video Search

And of course Google also has an advanced video search option for when you just can’t find a specific video, similar to Google’s feature that lets you know if an image was made with AI. This tool has a large number of fields where you can enter information about the video and also has several filters that will allow you to narrow down the results to a manageable amount.

To use this tool Google Advanced Video Searchenter this linkfill in the required fields with the most specific information you have, apply filters and search through the options that Google offers you. Remember to be as specific as possible and focus on the key aspects of the video.

Search for fake news

Fake News Debunker

Finally, if you are a person who constantly does this type of research, we have a tool designed specifically for you and it is the Fake News Debunker by InVID and WeVerify. This option is an extension for your browser that you can download clicking here.

Once downloaded and applied, you can start using it. Follow the steps below to do so use the Fake News Debunker extension:

  • Click on the extension and select the option Open the toolbox.
  • In the video tab, click on the option Keyframes.
  • You can locate the video by pasting the URL you have or you can upload it if you have downloaded it and press Send.
  • In any of the displayed frames, right-click and choose the option Fake news debunker.
  • Select the search browser you want, you have several options, so if the one you chose doesn’t work for you, you can try another one.

And that’s it for now with our article on How to find the original source of a video. We hope you enjoyed it and if you have any questions about what we have explained here, let us know in the comments section so we can help you with your problem.

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