Are you one of those people who use Telegram’s built-in search engine to find groups and channels? Well, your answer is “Yes”Let us give you some bad news: Telegram search engine is limited and only shows public groups and channels.
Basically everyone the groups and channels that appear when you search for a topic via the Telegram search engine, are those that can be accessed without any type of invitation, that is, they are similar to WhatsApp channels.
Taking this into account, Find secret and private groups on Telegram Using the search engine offered by the messaging app is practically impossible. Fortunately, there are several websites that have access to such groupsand that you can use them for free.
Here we will get straight to the point and show you what they are. those websites so you can find secret and private groups/channels simply and in a few minutes.
Find Secret and Private Groups on Telegram with These Websites
Despite what many people think, most APK applications that exist todayrelated to Telegram, do not work to find private groups and channels. This is why we recommend that you avoid installing them, as most of these apps contain viruses inside them.
The only method that works effectively To carry out this type of search it is through third-party websites that we will show you below.
TGStat: A very complete search engine for groups and channels
Offering an advanced search engine, this website allows you to find any group or channel which does not appear when using the built-in search engine in Telegram. Its operation is quite simple, since only You need to enter the group or channel keyword that you are trying to find.
Similarly, you can specify different types of categories to be able to find secret groups in seconds. Using the advanced search engine available in TGStatYou will have the ability to filter groups and channels by topics, countries, languages and age.
Connection | TGStat
Telemetrio: Find Closed Channels and Groups in Seconds
If what you are looking for is a website that not only allows you to find private groups and channels through a search engine, but you also want to see What are the most popular channels on TelegramTelemetrio is without a doubt the best option you have today.
Thanks to its constant scanning system, which collects groups and channels on a daily basis, you can find any secret group easilyfast and free. Of course, to access all the features that Telemetrio offers you will be asked to create an account.
Connection | Telemetry
Telegram Groups: A Simple and Very Functional Site
Last but not least, we couldn’t leave out one of the easiest websites to use to find private Telegram groups and channels.
Without having to register, Telegram Groups offers you a search engine that you can use to find specific channels and groups. Likewise, the website shows direct links so that you can join them.
Connection | Telegram Groups
One last website to find secret Telegram groups is Androidphoria… yes the page you are currently on. Here we usually share interesting groups of all kinds that are not found in Telegram’s built-in search engine. Visit our Telegram section to discover interesting channels and groups.