How To Find Out Who Is Talking About You Or Your Brand On The Internet

How to find out who is talking about you or your brand on the Internet

The internet is full of everything to get your name out there and of course your business or personal brand pages can easily exist. You can never be sure what information about you gets leaked, and while you can always delete your personal data from Google or back up your account privacy, it’s different when things come from a third party.

The good thing is that they can find out about you or something related to you thanks to Google. This trick we teach is not only to know what is being said when your name is mentioned on the web, but also to track the impact of your brand or company, if you have one. In addition to being a way to help protect privacy, it’s also a tool to measure your business’s popularity (positive or negative).

How to find out who is talking about you or your brand on the Internet

How To Find Out Who Is Talking About You Or Your Brand On The Internet

With Google Alerts, you can receive notifications about any terms and websites that Google has found when it suggests content. To achieve this, you just need to follow the following steps:

Enter Google Alerts and sign in. After signing in, the option to add alerts related to your personal data will appear on the Internet Availability section screen. Google usually suggests adding your full name and email. To add them, you must press the + symbol, remembering that you must write the word without a sign or symbol so that Google can search correctly. This can be useful for your brand or company. Choose whether you want to configure the alert results as you type and limit whether you want to receive one alert for each Google match, in what language or from specific sources. Range. After doing this select Update Alert.

After this, every time Google finds the word that generated the alert, you will receive an email indicating which website it was placed on; The same thing happens with the personal information you write.

That way, you can make decisions about what’s being said about the word, whether it’s good or bad, and even ask Google to delete them if they’re published, like defacing images. Of course, it doesn’t work with dark web content, in which case, if you want to know if your personal information is there, luckily, you should follow the other tutorial we told you earlier.

Either way, Google Alerts will not only keep you up-to-date on the security of your identity on the Internet, but also give you a better understanding of the impact of your online business. We hope the tutorial will be useful for you.

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