If you are here it is because you certainly want to know if your cell phone can be Control with your eyes without touching the screen. And yes, today inside virtually any iPhone or Android You can enable eye tracking to control it using only your eyes. Next, we’ll explain how to control your iPhone or Android with your eyes.
How to control your iPhone with your eyes
All iPhones that received the iOS 18 update They have built-in eye tracking function. With it you can control the iPhone without touching it using your eyes. And activating it is very simple, just follow these steps:
- Open the Configuration of your iPhone.
- And a Accessibility and enter Eye tracking.
- Finally, activate the Eye trackingcomplete the calibration process by following the dots on the screen and you’re done.
How to use iPhone eye tracking
If this is your first time activating the Eye Tracking iOS 18chances are you’re wondering… How does iPhone visual inspection work? Well, don’t worry, it’s very easy to understand and with a couple of minutes of practice you will be able to master it.
To get started, you have a cursor that you move with your gaze and with which you can go anywhere on the screen. Now, to select an item on the screen you have the Permanence control. This will be the “click”: You just need to look at what you want to press for 3 seconds and the option will be selected.
Now, turning on eye tracking also activates the feature AssistiveTouch. This is a floating menu of quick actions (Siri, go home, up, down, etc.) that will appear as a round icon in the corner of the screen.
Finally, we recommend have patience When using the iPhone’s eye tracking, it is usually difficult to adapt to this way of controlling the mobile phone from the first time. Also, remember have good facial lighting so that the tracking is accurate.
How to control your Android phone with your eyes
The first thing you need to know is this There is no built-in eye tracking feature on Android. Some brands like Honor or Huawei They usually add this feature to their top phones, but it’s not common for an Android phone to come with it.
Fortunately, there is a application to control Android phones with your eyes which is downloaded from the Play Store and is completely free. We’re talking about Mezica very versatile app that uses your phone’s front camera to track your eyes.
Well, once installed on your Android, you just need to follow these steps to control your phone with your eyes:
- Open the application Mezic in your Android.
- Grant permissions that the app asks you: access to the camera, accessibility options and the ability to appear on top of other applications and interfaces.
- press the button START to carry out the calibration process of your face and gaze.
- Finally, complete the exercise in which you will learn to select objects (close your eyes), double click (close your eyes longer), go backwards (move your head to the side), etc.
- When you’re ready, press the button again START and you can start controlling your Android with your eyes.
And you… Will you try checking your phone with your eyes?