Cómo Capturar La Pantalla Tocando Dos Veces Atrás En Android

How to capture the screen by playing twice on Android

How To Capture The Screen By Playing Twice On Android

Taking Screenshot is one of the most used functions In Android mobile phones and although most devices allow it to do so through a combination of buttons or gestures, There is a faster and more comfortable way: touching twice the back of the terminal.

If you have heard of this function, but you don’t know how to activate it on your mobile, we want to inform you that you are in the right place. Here we will explain in very few steps how to activate and use this function for Capture the screen playing twice behind Android, It is easier than it looks!

Capture the screen by playing twice on Android: how to activate and use the function?

Google introduced the function “Rapid Touch” (In some cell phones it is called “Quick start”) on Android 12. The same It allows you to perform different actions Touching twice the back of the mobile phone.

If you want to configure this tool to make a screenshot with this gesture (touching twice in the rear), you need to follow these steps:

See Gesture Options On Android

  • Enter your mobile settings.
  • Access the Call section “Gesti”.
  • Enter the option you say “Quick start” or “Rapid Touch” (The name of the function will depend on the mobile phone you have).

Activate The Acquisition Of The Screen With Two Touches On AndroidActivate The Acquisition Of The Screen With Two Touches On Android

  • Activate the function in question.
  • Once activated, Press on the small tooth wheel which is located in the lower left corner of the screen.
  • And finally, select the option you say “Take Screenshot”.

When you finished perform the tutorial that we show you on this paragraph, You can capture the mobile screen by pressing twice on the back of the same (you have to give the two touches as quickly as possible).

It is worth adding that in Samsung this function may not be available in a native way. In that specific case, you need to download the good check app and follow these steps.

Finally, but not least, we want to remind you that you can also activate the screenshot with 3 fingers in Samsung and Motorola cell phones, a function in most of the models of both brands.

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