Como Activar Terminal Linux En Android Guia

How to activate the Linux terminal on Android: step by step

How To Activate The Guide To The Linux En Android Terminal

Unless you are someone who likes to return with your cell phone, it is not likely that you know: Android is an operating system based on the Linux nucleus. Yes, the same that uses dozen linux distributions for computers, although adapted to hardware and mobile requirements.

However, Android for years had a huge lack that prevented us from calling our cell phones like ‘A complete Linux system’. What was it? This did not have a terminal, since it exists in everything that is based on the Linux nucleus and, therefore, it is not possible to natively access a Linux environment. However, this lack was formally disappeared with Android 15, because Android already has a Linux terminal and we will teach you to activate it (step by step).

What is the native Android Linux terminal for? A fundamental tool for developers

Android Already Has A Native Linux Development Environment

Until now, Android was unable to perform a Linux environment in which it could be developed e Try applications, perform advanced commands and others A PC with Linux or a little terminal emulator is not necessary. However, Google decided to follow the step they took in 2020 with Chrome OS and solve this problem.

What did they do? Very simple: launches its ends of Linux on Android, in particular one of Debian. AS, Now you can perform a Linux Debian environment inside Android And do what you want as if it were a PC.

Yes really, At the moment it is exclusive for Google Pixel with Android 15 And it is in an experimental phase. However, surely it will not take much to reach other devices with that version of Android.

How Is The Native Linux Terminal In Android FunctionalityHow Is The Native Linux Terminal In Android Functionality

When you perform it, the terminal will install a virtual Debian machine that weighs about 550 MB. And at the end of the installation, you will access a complete operating system with your own bench and drawer of applications, different Development tools, ability to install apps and games for Linuxcomplete command console, Authority of automation of activities, network management and serversAnd much more. Again: as if I had a Linux computer in my hands, but the size of a smartphone.

This is a novelty that will not mean anything for the average user, but but For developers and advanced users it translates into a news. In fact, it is a feature that It is hidden in the Android development panelThat menu hidden that very genius, but that not everyone should touch.

In addition, the new Native Android Linux terminal Three easily accessible features It could be very useful:

  • Store management: To reduce the space assigned to the Debian virtual machine at will.
  • Network checks: To administer which networks may or may not have access to the virtual machine.
  • Recoveración: To restore and recover the Linux environment of the virtual machine if it has not succeeded.

But to all these, How is it enabled? Let’s go to that.

How to activate the Linux development environment on Android with its native terminal

How To Enable The Android Linux Development EnvironmentHow To Enable The Android Linux Development Environment

Although it seems that such a feature must be very well hidden, the truth is that the Android Linux terminal is qualified is very simple. Obviously, You have to know where to search and what things are you gettingBut once you are clear it is supersimple:

  1. V to Settings menu of your mobile phone.
  2. Go to the section ‘Information on the phone’ / “Information on the phone”.
  3. Press seven times on the “compilation number”.
    • With this you will activate the Android developer mode.
  4. Return to Settings menu and go to the system‘.
  5. Enter a ‘Developer options’.
  6. Qualification of “Linux development environment”.

How To Start The Native Android Linux TerminalHow To Start The Native Android Linux Terminal

After enabled the development environment, if you go to the Android applications drawer you will find a new application. Is called ‘Terminal’ and is the Linux terminal we talked about in this article.

When you open it for the first time I will ask you to download a debian image To install it later. Confirm that you want to do so, wait for the process to end and start enjoying the entire Linux environment on your mobile phone.

Try it and you tell us how it was? We are already studying which new things we can do with this and that could be interested in making new tutorials.

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