Discover News, created by Google several years ago, is about to get a promising change facilitate the way users obtain information. Or at least that’s what the company intends with a small experiment that’s already being tested on cell phones in the United States.
And, inspired by the potential of artificial intelligence, they intend to follow through a podcast format that summarizes all the news that appear in your Discover. This way you can be updated with the news that interests you, without having to enter any page and with a short summary.
Google will now summarize the news you see in Discover with a unique podcast format
What appears on Discover for one person is not the same as what appears on another person’s phone. After all, Google relies on your search history to bring you news or articles relating to the topics that interest you most.
With all this, you may very rarely access what Discover offers you. Well, so you don’t miss out on the latest news, Google wants to help you by offering you a audio summary covering all the results in Discover, powered by artificial intelligence.
This feature is operational in Search Labs, under the name Daily Listen. This is a feature still in the experimental phasewhich curious US users can activate by accessing the Labs icon from the Google app on their Android or iOS.
I listen daily will choose the most interesting articles from Discoveraccording to your preferences, to present them in a short analysis in audio format. With this format you will also have the same playback options as always: pause/play button, volume and speed, in a block located between the navigation bar and the Discover feed.
I would be another effort by Google to achieve a “Clickless Internet”because by providing news to users without having to enter the pages, they manage to save time and effort… or at least that’s what they mean.
With this experiment, Google will know if the initiative has potential or you will have to withdraw from your planning. It is not known how long it will be in testing, nor whether it will reach all Android and iOS devices soon.
For the moment we will have to wait and see the level of receptiveness of those who will try this function before Google decides to implement it this big change in Discover.
Source | Android Central