El Galaxy Z Flip6 Se Esta Saltando Una Norma De Los Juegos Olimpicos

Galaxy Z Flip6 Breaks an Olympic Games Rule

The new Samsung Foldable Cell Phone is one of the protagonists of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games. And the Samsung Galaxy Z Flip6 has accompanied the Olympic athletes since the first day of this historic sporting event.

In case you didn’t know, SAMSUNG gave away a Galaxy Z Flip6 to all Olympic athletes and staff members of this contest. There were about 17,000 special edition foldable cell phones (Olympic Edition) those delivered by the South Korean brand to celebrate the start of this great event.

And not content with accompanying all the athletes of Paris 2024, the Galaxy Z Flip 6 is also a rule of the Olympic Games is being broken. This is one of the most controversial and criticized rules of the largest multi-sport event of the year.

Selfies are banned at the Olympic Games… unless you take them with a Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 6

Olympic Athletes Take Selfies With Galaxy Z Flip 6 Paris 2024 Olympic Games

Athletes of the Olympic Games You cannot take a selfie when you receive the medal. Exactly, the Official guidelines of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) As for social networks and digital media, they do not allow Olympic athletes to take a photo on the podium due to various rules that prohibit it.

To begin with, there is a rule that specifies this Athletes cannot record a video on the podium after receiving their medal. Also, another rule specifies that they cannot take and post any photos or videos within one hour of the start of the competition. In fact, They are not allowed to use their personal cell phones during the competition and the awards ceremony.

Why this ban? WELL These rules are intended to protect the interests of the companies that own the broadcasting rights. of the Olympic Games. However, Samsung found a loophole in the regulation and exploited it to exploit a very ingenious advertising move.

Olympic Athletes Taking Selfies With Galaxy Z Flip6 Paris 2024 Olympic Games

And the fact is that, by regulation, the athlete cannot take a “video” on the podium, but yes to “Photo”. What really prevents him from taking a selfie when collecting his medal is the rule that does not allow him to use his personal cell phone.. And this is where the South Korean mobile brand managed to break the rule.

Thanks to being an Olympic partner since 1998, Samsung is allowed to provide you with a Galaxy Z Flip6 “provided” to the Olympic athletes who step onto the podium to receive their medals. And, according to the protocol established for this advertising campaign, one of the athletes takes the “Selfie from Victoria” together with the other 2 who complete the podium.

Well then, It’s Galaxy Z Flip6 “provided” belongs to the committee Olympic… And how do athletes get this historical photograph? Well, according to protocol, These selfies are uploaded to the Athlete365 platform (which also has a mobile app) so that both athletes and the general public can download it.


This way, Galaxy Z Flip6 Ad Campaign Lets Olympic Athletes Take a Selfie for the First Time as they climbed onto the podium to receive their medals. And even if you don’t have your phone, at least you can take a selfie of this unforgettable memory.

And you… What do you think about these Olympic Games regulations?

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