Dm En Instagram.

DM on Instagram: what it is and how to send or see one

Dm And Instagram.

The DM on Instagram refers to direct messages that you can exchange with other users on that platform. And they are full of more functions than you can imagine! For this reason, In this article we will explain everything about the DM on Instagram.

Direct messages on Instagram not only allow you to send messages, photos and private videos to other users, but they also serve to exchange Vocal notes, make audio calls, video calls and much more.

How to open the DM on Instagram

Open The Dm On Instagram.In order to see the DM on Instagram, you need to access this social platform from the app for Android or iOS, the browser of your mobile phone or your computer with your username, password or your Facebook account. Regardless of the option you choose, you can access and see the DM by pressing the icon of a text balloon with lightning What you will see on the main page.

Any user can send you a message and you can do the same, but if you follow the user in question, you will see their message when you access the DM on Instagram by pressing the icon in question. If you don’t follow this user, Your message will reach a section called “Applications” that you will find when the DM will open. When you have new requests, in this section a number will be displayed in brackets with the number of new applications.

The steps to send a message to another person on Instagram

Send A Message Written To Another Person On Instagram.Send A Message Written To Another Person On Instagram.What we will do now is to show you how to use all the functions that DM has on Instagram. We will start explaining How to send a direct message (DM) to another user:

  • Open the Instagram app e Press the message icon.
  • If you follow the account you want to send a message, you can find it If you write your username on the toolbar This is on and in the center.
  • What follows is Press the user’s account icon to which you want to send the message To open the chat window with it.
  • Finally, write the message you want to send to this user e Press the “Send” button.

Send A Message Written To Another Person On Instagram - Part 2.Send A Message Written To Another Person On Instagram - Part 2.Another way to do it is to open the contact profile To which you want to send a message and press the button that says “message” that you will see under its biography. The last thing you should do is write the message and send it.

The DM on Instagram has a story of contacts you talked to. AS You can open a chat you have already had with another user To write again. By the way, this applies to any other function that we will explain below.

Send a voice note to another user using the DM on Instagram

How To Send A Vocal Note To Another User Using The Dm On Instagram.How To Send A Vocal Note To Another User Using The Dm On Instagram.

Now that you know how to send written messages to other contacts, we can explain how to send vocal notes to third parties on Instagram. The steps are very simple:

  • Open the Instagram app e Press the DM icon.
  • Use the search bar to identify the user you want to send the vocal note e Press your name when it appears.
  • In this way, the chat window will open and what you need to do is Press the microphone icon This is already down to the right and slide it instantly.
  • In what you completed the previous step, the app will start recording the vocal note and you just have to say what you want. When you finished talking, Press the arrow facing up To send it.

As for the written messages, you can also open the contact chat you want to send the voice note if you open your profile from the feed or the search bar if you press the button “Message”.

What you should do to make calls or video calls on Instagram

Make Calls Or Video Calls On Instagram.Make Calls Or Video Calls On Instagram.In addition, DM on Instagram can be used to make a call or video call to another user. The detail is that They can only do users who follow (I follow you on Instagram and follow him). Now that you know, if you want to call an Instagram user follow these steps:

  • Open the Instagram app e Press the message icon.
  • Use the search bar for Identify the user you want to call, Search for your profile or check if you have a message of messages with it and open the chat you have with it.
  • Next, Press the phone icon What you will see the right to call said user or the camera If you want to make a video call.
  • The user you called will receive a notification and you just have to Wait for you to answer.

The buttons you will see below and in the center have the following functions: The camera allows you to convert an audio call into a video call or vice versa, the microphone must deactivate or activate the microphone during a call or a video call, the icon of the active horn or deactivate the speaker and the red button must hang.

Here’s how you can send stickers, gifs, photos, videos or publications of Instagram of DM

Send Stickers, Gifs, Photos I Videos - Part 1.Send Stickers, Gifs, Photos I Videos - Part 1.

Something you can also do with Instagram DM is to send adhesives, gifs, photos, videos and publications of Instagram to other users. To send a video or photo you saved on your mobile You just have to follow the following steps:

  • Open the Instagram app e Press the message icon.
  • Use the search bar for Identify the user you want to send a photo or video, Check your history to see if you have already sent messages to this user previously or open the chat by accessing your profile.
  • What follows is Press the icon of an image below the right of the chat that will display all the images and videos on your phone.
  • What do you have to do, Is selecting the photo or video you want to send to your contact and press the Send button. You can also send several photos or videos.

Send Stickers, Gifs, Photos I Videos - Part 2.Send Stickers, Gifs, Photos I Videos - Part 2.To send stickers or gif you just have to press the icon that has a face drawn in a box with a bent corner. When they press the button of said, all the stickers, stickers and images of the Instagram staff have separated in three categories and You just have to select what you want to send.

Furthermore, You can take a photo or video and send it directly to a user. You just have to press the camera icon that you will see to the right of each chat in the list of chats stored in your DM. You can also do it if you open the chat and press the room icon which is already the left.

Share A Post With Another Person Using The Dm On Instagram.Share A Post With Another Person Using The Dm On Instagram.

If you want to send a publication or an Instagram King to another DM user, you have alone Press the “Send” button.

How to delete chats, edit the messages you have already sent or delete them

Delete Chat Or Messages You Have Already Sent And How To Modify Them.Delete Chat Or Messages You Have Already Sent And How To Modify Them.If at some point you can make many chats, You can delete them very simple. In fact, you can also edit or delete a specific message you sent to a user. However, we will tell you first how to eliminate the chats of your DM:

  • Briefly press the chat you want to delete and a menu with different options will appear, but the option you need to press is what is called “Eliminate”.
  • So, a second menu will appear where you will wonder Confirm the elimination.

Delete Chat Or Messages You Have Already Sent And How To Modify Them - Part 2.Delete Chat Or Messages You Have Already Sent And How To Modify Them - Part 2.To delete or edit a message you have to open the chat where this message is located, press the message for a couple of seconds and if you want to delete it, you need to press the option “Cancel the shipment.” If you want to modify it, you have to press “Modify”But you have to do it within the first 15 minutes when I sent it.

All about the DM Privacy Settings on Instagram

Dm Privacy Settings On Instagram.Dm Privacy Settings On Instagram.The DM on Instagram has several privacy options. To customize the privacy settings of your DM on Instagram you need to follow these steps:

  • Open your profile and Press the three -barrel icon What you will see the right.
  • Find the call option “Messages and responses to the stories.”
  • Next, You will see more options that you can configure to your liking To decide how other users can communicate with you, if you want to send confirmations of reading to other users with whom you exchange messages or show your followers if you are connected.

Finally, You should know that DM on Instagram can Send messages that self -destroyed. If you have more doubts, you can check the Instagram Help website.

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