Cambia A Solucion Al Error De Youtube En Android

“Change on”: YouTube error solution in Android

Change On Solution Of Youtube Error In Android

If you are here it is because surely YouTube doesn’t work On your mobile or Android tablet by mistake “Change to” or “Update the YouTube app for …”. Well, then we will present you All solutions You can try to solve this problem.

Error solution “Edit on” on Android

How To Solve The Changes To Youtube Error On Update The Youtube App

If you can’t see YouTube because when you enter the application the message jump “Change to”Don’t worry, It is an easy problem to solve And this will take a couple of minutes to eliminate it.

What you need to do is try them 4 possible solutions:

Update the YouTube app

It is common that this error is that an old version of the application is used. Therefore, we advise you to try to update the app with these steps:

  • Open the Play Store In you Android.
  • Search for the App de Youtube With the search bar.
  • Here press the button Update And ready.

If the button is not displayed “Update” It means that you already have the updated app to the latest version. In this case we advise you to try the following solution.

Delete the cache and app app

Sometimes this YouTube problem on Android is due to the fact that the app cache (temporary data archived by the application) has been corrupt. Therefore, the elimination of YouTube cache can be the solution. To follow these steps:

  • Open the Configuration from you Android.
  • Enter Applications and search for the app of YouTube.
  • When you find it, enter Warehouse.
  • Pass here Delete the data y Delete the cache.

Did this solution work? Well, try the following.

Uninstall the app and download it again

Another causes that this YouTube error can jump to you because the application has been corrupt in its entirety. In this case it is advisable to uninstall it and again install it with the following steps:

  • Open the Play Store In you Android.
  • Search for the App de Youtube With the search bar.
  • Here press the button Uninstall.
  • When the process ends, press the button install And ready.

If this has not solved the error or without uninstalling YouTube, now Play Store does not allow you to install it for the message “This app is not available for your device” So you will have to try the last solution.

Use YouTube from the browser or alternative apps

If you tried the previous solutions and no one worked, it is very likely YouTube stopped being compatible with your mobile phone. And from this year the YouTube application works only with Android 8.0 and superior versions.

That is, if you have a Ancient Mobile With Android 7.0 or a previous version (here we leave a tutorial to find out which version of Android you have), it is no longer possible to use the official YouTube application because they no longer provide support for your Android version.

What can be done in this case? Well uninstalls the application e YouTube starts from the browser of your Android device. You can do it from Google Chrome, Opera, Brave or the browser of your preference. Remember only to uninstall the YouTube app so that when you open a video it does not redirect you to the application.

Another alternative is to try with the Third -party applications of YouTube. For example, Newpipe is a YouTube client that can be installed in cell phones with Android 5.0 or higher. Here are some of these apps with their tutorials:

And you… Have you managed to solve the YouTube problem on your Android?

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