Cemu Emulador Wiiu Android Actualizacion

CEMU on Android is updated: it significantly improves performance

Cemu Emulator Wiiiu Android Update

Nintendo may have made War on Switch emulators in Android and other platforms. However, there is an emulator for another of its consoles which is still very alive and has just received an excellent update. Let’s talk about CEMU, the most complete and famous Wiiu emulatorwhose performance for PC are superlative, although on Android he still missed a lot.

However, and fortunately for you, it seems that everything has just changed in its mobile version. CEMU for Android has received an update that greatly improves its performanceMake the emulation of Wii U games in cell phones beyond simple tests.

CEMU is already able to decently perform some wiiu games on Android

Cemu Emulator Wiiiu Improves Android Performance

Cemu has existed on PC since 2015 and since then his development has not stopped, which has allowed him to have brutal performance on this platform. But on Android its story is much more recent, because only in 2024 it was that the first doors were created. They were all designed mainly to test, but Now a version has been launched that goes much further.

Let’s talk about CEMU V0.1 for Android, a bifurcation made by Ssimco (A volunteer) who improves everything so far. This new collection cannot be considered official, since Ssimco is not part of the CEMU development team, but has already received a certain support from them.

Even so, for the first time on Android we are able to Perform Wiiu games with more than remarkable performancesAlthough they always use powerful devices. The team of Android authority He was in charge of doing some tests and these were his conclusions:

In cell phones such as Redmagic 10 Pro, which has the most powerful SOC market (Snapdragon 8 Elite), You can perform different games at excellent speed And with minimal graphic errors.

Other recent processors and interruptions of the Qualcomm range In generations before the elite they also behave quite well, such as the Snapdragon G3X Gen 2 of the Pocket Evo Ayaneo. However, the performance was more unstable, but several titles could be reproduced.

We tried it in a pixel 7, which left enough to desire. The reason? It is not a lack of power, but a classic problem of emulators in Android: their performance is rarely good or take a lot of time to improve Chips that do not come from Qualcomm.

Why does it happen? Simple: accessibility to controllers that allow better development for each chips manufacturer. Qualcomm chip controllers are very accessible, but those of Samsung (exynos and tensioner), mediatek and others not.

Requirements, compatibility and how to install CEMU V0.1 on your mobile phone with Android

How To Get Clove And Install Cemu V0.1 AndroidHow To Get Clove And Install Cemu V0.1 Android

Now, let’s go to what is certainly interested in all this article and the first thing you should know is that There is no formal list of requirements To perform this version of CEMU on Android. Even so, this is what we know:

  • You will have to have At least Android 12 installed.
  • You must have A Qualcomm Snapdragon de Gama high chip.
  • You must have As many RAM as possible.

In summary accounts: the more powerful and recent is your mobile phone, and this has a snapdragon, the better.

And the list of compatible games? For the moment of drafting this article still There was no compatibility list. However, the tests were performed with titles like The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD, Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury, Mario Kart 8 and New Super Mario Bros. U.

Finally, we arrive in the download section. What should you know about it? This:

  1. You have to be very careful with the repository That visits, since several copies have already been created in Github, the one we leave below is the officer of this project.
  2. You need to download the apk file Only from that repository, the other files are not necessary.
  3. The APK is installed manually Like any other apk on Android.
  4. Remember You must have the original wiiu game to emulate A copy without anyone being able to claim anything.

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