Los 5 Mejores Mazos Con La Valquiria Evolucionada Para Clash Royale

5 best classes for Clash Royale with improved Valkyrie

Tired of the evolution cards that came to Clash Royale? Well, for Evolved Knight, Evolved Archers or Evolved Ice Spirit, Supercell decided to make the first special card, which one? Not more or less than the beloved Valkyrie.

With Evolution Valkyrie, many players try to give a “twist” to the goal planted in the past few months, as it includes several upgrades that make this card extremely powerful.

Basically, when Valkyrie can evolve in the arena, she activates a whirlwind that draws all cards to her, allowing her to stay away from allied towers while also dealing damage to them (just like a spell card).

Although it is not complicated to use, it is necessary to combine it with several layers to get the best. Don’t waste your time searching the internet, here we show you the 5 best ships with Valkyrie evolution, you can’t miss them!

The best classes for Clash Royale with improved Valkyrie

The Best Classes With Valkyrie Evolution Clash Royale

Before we show the deck, we should remind you that this card only improves if it is cycled twice. Once you’ve deployed twice in the arena, you can use the Valkyrie’s glitter evolution.

Mazo 1 – Cyclo Veloz de Valky

Mazo 1 Cyclo Veloz De Valky

Valkyrie (improved). Ride the pigs. Earthquake. Fire thrower. Goblins. Snow Spirit. The log. Tesla tower.

Average elixir consumption: 2.9 units.

Mazo 2 – Breaking Elixir

Mazo 2 Destroying Elixir

Valkyrie (improved). Golem. The little prince. A warrior healer. Electric dragon. Twisted. Barbarian barrel. Elixir collector.

Average elixir consumption: 4.4 units.

Mazo 3 – Winning Situation 2024

Mazo 3 Winning Status 2024

Valkyrie (improved). Ride the pigs. Earthquake. Fire thrower. Goblins. Snow Spirit. The log. Bomb tower.

Average elixir consumption: 2.9 units.

Mazo 4 – Valky Salvadora

Mazo 4 Valky Salvadora

Valkyrie (improved). Grave. The little prince. Baby dragon. Poison. Twisted. Barbarian barrel. Stone.

Average elixir consumption: 3.5 units.

Floor 5 – Evolution of electricity

Deck 5 Evolution Electric

Valkyrie (improved). Electric giant. The little prince. Rockthrower. Ray. Twisted. Barbarian barrel. Canyon.

Average elixir consumption: 4.1 units.

If there is nothing more in this regard, we take this opportunity to remind you that the Gunship Launch Challenge, an event you should not miss, is now available in Clash Royale!

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